We are..

a group of enthusiasts who shared the same ideas, and they engaged their knowledge, experience, interests, motivations, and beliefs together around it. CAO Parnassus was initially existed as an informal group of young people, consisting of students with and without disabilities and formally started to work in 2010th, in May 11th.
Today organizing team of Parnassus are highly educated people (with and without disabilities) in the field of philosophy, pedagogy, sociology, psychology, electrical engineering. The president of CAO Parnassus is PhD student in Gender Studies

We stand for

1. Promoting civil liberties, human rights and gender equality.
2. Creating conditions for achieving equal opportunities and opportunities for all, especially for women, people with disabilities and young people.
3. Affirmation of the potential of marginalized groups, especially persons with disabilities, youth and women and other persons in a situation of marginalization and discrimination.
4. Support and contribution to the improvement of the social position of persons with disabilities, youth, women and other persons in a situation of marginalization and discrimination through the implementation of artistic, cultural, educational and informational activities and programs.
5. Encouraging and affirming the cultural participation of persons with disabilities.
6. Promotion and encouragement of inclusion.
7. Informing and educating young people about human rights.
8. Development of environmental awareness among citizens and development and protection of the environment.

Parnassus is a mountain in Greece. According to some traditions, Parnassus is known as the home of learning.


In our work, we place special emphasis on the affirmation of persons with disabilities through the arts and in the arts, and on the education of young people through participation in projects.

International film festival Seize the film

Uhvati film Novi Sad Rijeka Banja Luka Kotor

Seize the film, let go of prejudices

Workshops in high schools and colleges based on screenings of short films from the archives of the Film Festival “Seize the film” and panels with youth in order to deconstruct stereotypes and prejudices about persons with disabilities.

More about project

Empowered Parents - Empowered Children

By organizing three thematic meetings lasting 1.5 hours in Novi Sad, and then one thematic meeting in two smaller places in Vojvodina, for parents of persons with disabilities, moderated by professionals, we have contributed to empowerment, information, strengthening solidarity – creating a support network among parents ..
By creating short videos with mothers of people with disabilities, as well as guests of the meeting, the aim of the project was to create a kind of thematic role, about experiences, difficulties, beauties of diversity, struggle and enjoyment and information and guidelines that every parent of a person with disabilities should knows..

„Jačanje kapaciteta institucija

Strengthening the capacity of institutions

to promote the importance of the political, economic, social and health rights of women with disabilities, for 39 participants from 27 institutions and 17 municipalities and supported by UN Women.

Strenghten to apply

- creative networks supporting young people with disabilities, which included organizing cycle training in a number of areas in order to support people with disabilities and empowerment for a productive life in society.

Art destroyes the walls

Film workshops for people with disability and short film production made by PWD

I want to dance

The art of oriental dance in the service of mental and physical empowerment of women with disabilities

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